The Future of Wellness

A treatise on evolving paradigms in the Wellness Industry

In the space of 60 years, what started as a counter-culture of disenfranchised Americans has become one of the most lucrative industries of our generation.

I doubt anyone would argue that the Wellness Industry exists as a way to make money. But the Industry needs to change - and we need alternatives to the established Paradigm.

As far as I've seen, no one has suggested alternatives. There's no model that delineates one Paradigm from another, describes how we might move between them, and provides a hypothesis for what a Future beyond the current Wellness Industry could be.

In The Future of Wellness” I propose a first draft of that, describing 4 different Paradigms: 2 which have come before, and 2 for a Post-Wellness future.

In the “Companion guide for revolution”, you will find all the resources and further reading to deepen your practice, and create your own Paradigm model.

Both documents can be used in accordance with a Creative Commons license (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International).